Richmond County Savings Foundation

Final Report Guidelines


Grantees are required to submit a report to the Foundation upon implementation and/or completion of the project/program that RCSF is funding. The report should include, but need not be limited to, the items listed below:

1. Name of project funded by the Richmond County Savings
2. Name of organization
3. Full address
4. Phone, fax number, e-mail address
5. Date and amount of award
6. Description of project/program
7. Constituency that the project/program served
8. Primary purpose that project/program fulfilled
9. Detailed budget indicating how the Foundation’s funding was
spent and sources of matching funds raised for the project, including
copies of bills or invoices.
10. Photo of capital project funded, and if applicable, photo of signage
acknowledging RCSF support

The Final Report should be filed upon the completion of the project. At the conclusion of
the one-year grant term, it is recommended that an Interim Report be filed if the project
completion is delayed. The Foundation will not consider any additional requests for
funding until the Final Report requirement is met.